Monday, March 1, 2010

Who brought the new kid?

We aren't quite sure what clicked tonight, but Caden figured out how to skate! After 3 or more frustrating weeks of Caden barely shuffling around on the ice, not doing what his teachers asked, complaining it hurt too much to fall (I guess we oughta give him that), that his feet were tired, that he was tired.. blah blah blah. Tonight he made us so proud! In true Caden fashion he did the skating thing on his own terms, we should have known. I think we can now officially call him a skater! He is beyond excited and very proud of himself too! It is so rewarding to see him so happy! while of course making us happy that we didn't pay for 10 weeks of skating lessons only to have him sit on the bench the whole time! He has 5 more lessons, maybe next year he'll be ready for hockey we won't get too far ahead of ourselves though! We are just ecstatic that he tried and succeeded, his self-confidence tonight grew ten-fold. Now we won't be able to get him to stop skating!

Hopefully the video works, Rob took it on his cell phone during the 10 minutes of open skate after his lesson... the end is hilarious when he can't stand up!


Kelly said...

yay Caden!!!!

Anonymous said...

So proud! Must have been my pep/you better do it or else talk!!! LOL Way to go Buddy!