Caden.. 5 years old.. a synopsis.. he is our careful creature, definite characteristics of the first born. He loves to learn! They are learning sight words in preschool, and he can now recognize around 15 words when reading.. it is quite exciting! Speaking of reading.. he loves books, we could read stories all day long and he'd never tire of them. He also loves Yoga! We've been picking three poses a night to do before bed.
He loves arts and crafts, and science experiments!
He loves his brother, but still has a bit of a problem sharing with him. He adores his sister though, and has all the patience in the world for her.. most of the time anyway!
Caden has lost 2 teeth and has another loose one on the way.
He talks non-stop..
Caden loves to "work" he would help all day shovelling, raking, helping Rob in the workshop.. you name it.
He has a terrific memory! and remembers everything we say, heaven forbid we change our story one year later.. he'll let us know.
Caden loves the winter! He has learned to ski and skate this year! He also loves to swim! and is very excited that we just started swimming lessons back up.
Caden loves to play board games.. unfortunately we don't play as often as I would like do to his little sister tearing up the place.. nap time is key for this activity!
He has become quite social, and while he used to be shy around new kids, now makes friends easily.
Caden is a weed.. he outgrows pants faster than we can buy them!
Happy 5th Birthday Buddy!! We Love You!
Five is so big isn't it? For some reason, to me, it felt much older than four.
To be honest, when I saw the title "Five" my first thought was, "Oh my, is she pregnant with twins?" LOL!
Oh, no! I just realized I never commented on this post! Happy Birthday to Caden!!! I can't believe how much he looks like Rob in the first picture. What a difference than the first picture I have of him Halloween 2007! :) We love you, buddy!
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