Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Five Year Portraits...

We were back in the JC Penny studio again this weekend getting Caden's portraits taken... this was his best photo session yet! With the promise of jelly beans from Target in his future he was quite cooperative! Only after I sat down for a picture with him first that is... I added it for your amusement at the end. Every time we visit they ask "will Mom be joining 'insert name' in any of the portraits today?" They clearly do not look at the parents attire first! I mean doesn't everyone take pictures in their ratty college sweatshirt?!

This was Caden's favorite and REALLY wanted me to buy it (he liked the 5 in his pocket)... but I liked the next one better so we'll print this one out just for him for a frame for his room!


Kelly said...

Ahhhh!! I love these!! And I love the one of you and him. It would be such a good story later in life! Caden is such the cutie.

Auntie JoJo said...

These are so cute.He is really growing up.And he sure can pose when he wants too.Funny what treats will do!!