Friday, May 22, 2009

The Dog Days of... Spring!

The past two days have been scorchers! Don't we wish we had the pool open? Except there would probably be icebergs floating in it! Perhaps someday we'll get a solar heater to slap on the roof, now that would be nice!

Caden had his last day of preschool yesterday... except he couldn't go... he a reaction, which we thought to be poison ivy, so didn't take him to the Dr's. But apparently when you have a rash in order to go to school you have to have gone to get a diagnosis.. and they are being especially leary after the whole swine flu paranoia. So now I feel like Mom of the year for having Caden miss his last day just because we don't go to the Dr's unless we really need to... and I proved to myself why, since I had actually made an appointment for Caden after a bit of persuasion from Kim!, except the appointment was scheduled for after school was supposed to get out so that he wouldn't miss it! Anyway, the first Dr says "I think you are right, it is probably poison ivy but let's bring in a Dr that is a little older" Dr #2 says "hmm... ya probably poison ivy, but let's get Dr #3" Dr #3 says "either poison ivy or a reaction to sunscreen" (since it is only everywhere we would've put it.. legs, arms, neck, cheeks, ears.. and Rob was the sunscreen applier this weekend and he doesn't get poison ivy, we'd have known for sure if I had been the one apply it!) So the conclusion was 'Contact Dermatitis' which is basically the most vague diagnosis possible.. I could have told you that! Which is why I hadn't taken him in the first place! Grrr.. but I can't write prescriptions, and they did put him on steroids and told him to take Zyrtec instead of Benadryl because it is non-drowsy, even though neither of the boys are effected in the slightest by Benadryl (sleepy-wise anyway). So far the itching has stopped but he still looks like a red spotted freak child! but the reaction was on it's way out anyway, so who knows if it is due to the meds or not. Doesn't matter I guess as long as he's not miserable!

Anyway! After his "last day of school" a.k.a. his dr's appt. we met up with some of his friends from school at the town playground, but we didn't last long since it was HOT HOT HOT! even in the shade!

Today we drug out the water table and the boys had a blast playing with that, and the sandbox which is tucked nicely in the shade during the afternoon. Rob right now is mowing the lawn and I am sure also wishing it was pool-time! The cover does come off this weekend and the filling will begin so that it will be up and running by next weekend all the while getting warmer hopefully!

Cole chatting up Cora while she was playing on her play mat

Pretty in Pink!

Cooling off with popsicles, doesn't Cole look like such a stud in those shorts?! If only Rob and Caden were willing to be that stylish!

Notice the weapons in this picture, Cole with a scooper and Caden with a water shooter....

Guess who had the upper hand?! HAHA! This is my favorite picture of the day!

Once the soggy shirts were off I had a much happier bunch.. ahem, Caden!

Probably my 2nd favorite of the day!! Got something bothering you Cole?!

Notice how his 18 month shorts are falling off of him?

Mr. Ribsy.. if he had been using his abs at all you would see his 24-pack of ab muscles! If only we were all that lucky! and that is why his pants fall down.. that and the fact he eats like a bird.. possibly less!

Cora sits in the shade watching her brother's splash about.


Kelly said...

Such good photos. That one of Caden upset is a classic. I hear you about Cole not eating- it must be something with the name Cole and not wanting to eat. Maybe if we had named our children something different they would be better eaters??!! Humm...too late now I guess!! : ) Have fun in Maine!

Aunt Dorothy said...

I do not understand the non-eating. Sarah is outgrowing her 24 months clothes and is full-time in 2T. Could be the GIANT stomach?? Cole better watch out when they wrestle this summer...!