Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rollercoaster Ride!

So we thought we were having a baby again! But now we aren't... We had our 40 week appointment today. My blood pressure is slightly elevated, which is a good sign apparently, indicating a baby is coming.. eventually! Heart rate was 130-140 bpm. And then I got an internal to see if there was hope in the future or if I was going to be pregnant forever!! Thankfully it was a much more pleasant experience than when I was checked for Caden... I'm not even sure why I was dreading it so much anymore! it was a piece of cake!
So.. for the details! She instantly told me I was going to be ecstatic! I am already 5-6cm dilated! (close to 7 she said if she stretches.. ew!) which is over halfway there without a single contraction! Sweet! 80% effaced and the head is in the zero position.. meaning right on the edge (positive is up a little, negative I guess would be coming out?!) She told me that when this baby was ready he/she is going to come out and come out fast. Great.. my biggest fear, a baby on the side of the road. She spoke with the midwife on call and she said I could go up and have my water broken so I wouldn't have to stress about getting to the hospital in time. I asked if I could go home first so I could get Rob and make sure the kids were taken care of.. sure she said. Well, by the time this all happened and I called to tell them I was coming in (after we had informed half the world!!) the midwife on call convinced me to either wait until morning, or wait for it to happen naturally. She told me of the risks and rewards.. basically, they'll break my water which theoretically will induce labor.. but if it doesn't then they'll have to start Pitocin.. and she didn't want to have to be starting Pitocin at midnight, because that could mean a long, tired night for me. the other disadvantage is that once your water is broken you need to deliver within 24 hours to avoid infection and having to have antibiotics, etc. and then there is always the risk that if nothing sparks, I would have to have a c-section. Too many risks just to be selfish and get the baby out faster, and apparently labor is MUCH easier when it happens naturally she says. so we decided to wait it out... so we had to call half the world back and tell them.. just kidding!! we aren't having a baby tonight anymore!!
We've thought we were having this baby twice now.. I'm not sure it'll sink in once it happens for real! We've had our hopes up and then let down.. it's really quite traumatic! We can't wait to meet this little bugger that is causing all the commotion!


Kelly said...

Perhaps the midwife on call just wanted to go home early tonight?! : ) Ha-ha.

Oh the stories you can tell this child when he/she is older!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha! I guess that Cora fooled you! Welcome to the next little one, Sarah is happy to have a girl to play with.
Love to you all,
Aunty Dorothy

Teach-ME-Mom said...

Lisa, I'm so glad you made that decision. After all the stuff I went through with Elizabeth's induction disaster, then with the fallout of having a past c-section, I encourage everyone to wait it out.

Seriously, I kick myself every day for allowing them to break my water with both girls. Babies come when everyone's ready - let it happen, and things go a lot smoother.

Lots of hugs, and I'll be thinking of you guys!

Jen said...

So happy for you guys! I told you it was a girl...she's stubborn and she's dramatic (already)! LOL. Enjoy her...can't wait to meet her.

Chris, Jen, Gabrielle and Julia

By the way....the girls are so excited to have a girl cousin (finally). :)

Azza said...

Good work Rob, no one gives a shout out to the dad, so i am... Also well done Lisa...

Azza said...

Good work Rob, no one gives a shout out to the dad, so i am... Also well done Lisa...