Sunday, November 8, 2009

Birthday Party!

Cousin Gabrielle turned 4! She had a fun party in a gigantic romper room! All the kids there had a lot of fun and all three crashed on the way home. Here's a collection of photos from the afternoon... I have more of them actually playing, but they are on my other camera.. which is somewhere.. but these are with the good camera, so I am sure much better anyhow!

The diva Birthday Girl!! You'd think she was a lot older than 4!

Grammy and Cora

The big boy cousins! Casey is too little to sit at the table!

Cam seems very interested in what Caden has to show him!

Grampy and cousin Casey

Cousin Julia.. she's SUCH a cutie!

See what 3 1/2 months gets ya? Maybe not Casey.. I think Cora weighed more than you do when she was born!!

Cute as a bug!

1 comment:

Mufiemom said...

Great pictures of the kids. Gabrielle sure is a beautiful princess!