Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Santa came!

 This year Santa offered a little advice on how to score more presents next year!  Caden is very quick to remind Cole and Cora when they are not doing as Santa asked.. but when I ask him if he is working on what Santa told him he says "I forget what he said"  Sure you did!

Santa leaves an ornament on the kids doorknobs when he comes so they know he came and don't have to go downstairs to check!  He tries to get them an ornament which relates to them currently... Cora is big on her babies, hence the girl holding the baby doll (even though Cora can't exactly wear pigtails yet!).  Cole starts ski lessons with Caden next week, and Caden rides a bus this year to school!  They all loved their ornaments and could not wait to show us in the morning!  I was pleased when Christmas Eve night Caden sat up in bed and asked me if Santa would leave him a decoration.. although he followed it by "or is it the Easter Bunny who leaves it?" He's 5! you can't expect him to remember exactly!

Caden woke up at 5:45 to go to the bathroom, and I though it was all over when he saw the ornaments on the doors... but I told him to go back to bed because Cole and Cora were still sleeping, and he did!  Cole woke up around 6:30 and they played quietly in their room, finally Rob decided at 7 that we should wake up Cora because the boys were being so good they deserved Christmas!  I think really Rob was as anxious for presents as them!
I tried to capture the look on their faces as they entered the room... Caden was too fast, he's already at the base of the tree! plus I had forgotten to change to my wide angle lens for the morning.. oh well.. Cole's face if priceless!!

Santa tries to assemble something so the kids have an instant draw and don't want to tear into every present all at once!  And he probably remembers the pain Mom and Dad went through Caden's 1st Christmas when all the toys had to be assembled or unpackaged from armor while a very impatient 9 month old looked on!  Big lesson learned that year! and never forgotten!

Lots of fun with table Foosball!  Big hit!

 After tree investigation we hit the stockings first... Rob will be a Ninja while snowblowing what the blizzard leaves us!

This really was the best Christmas so far with the kids, they were so excited not only for their presents, but for everyone else's as well!  They loved every gift, even the clothes! I am sure it only gets better!

Some of us (more so Cole) don't like getting up in the morning.. perhaps a Lego alarm clock will get everyone up and at 'em!   By the way can you find your Christmas card in the background?!

Cora's Bitty Baby got a new outfit.. I was very tired of looking at her in PJ's all the time!  Since Baby had mini "Uggs"  Cora got some to to match!  Doesn't she look about 12 in her new outfit?!

Operation!  So different from when I was a kid! The noises that come out of it are offensive, but the kids find it hilarious when the guy passes gas!  By the way this is at about 6PM at night, Cole never changed out of his PJ's.. now that is what Christmas is all about!  Grammy and Grampy came over in the afternoon for Rob's fried turkey.. it is sad that I have never cooked a turkey and now Rob has cooked two!  And I must say fried turkey is the BEST!  so moist and delicious! and quick to cook too!

Cora and her baby in matching PJs!!  Grammy is awesome, since Caden is very particular about his jammies these days we had him, and the other two pick out their fabric and we co-opted Grammy to make their Christmas PJs, she surprised Cora with some for one of her babies! They were so cute!  Cora got a shopping cart, she pushed it around all day, although she had some competition from Cole who also really enjoys it!  He pushes it around and when Cora starts crying that he's not letting her play Cole tells me that he is playing with Cora.. hmm.. suspect! since he's the only one driving the cart!

A very Merry Christmas indeed!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love it! And your mom is awesome for making them pjs!! Cora's are adorable.

Cole loved the hockey set by the way. Thanks for dealing with my indecision to buy it. :)