Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Soccer Season Begins!

Last Saturday Caden had his first soccer game of the season!  He has been looking forward to this day all summer, especially after he and Cole had their week-long soccer camp!  Although I think Cole is a little confused why he can't play too.. but we'll start up indoor with him once it gets colder out.

Caden, as you can see, is on the green team this year, and he has two friends on his team, one from swimming and skiing and one from his Kindergarten class whom he also rides the bus with.  And he has lots of friends whom he gets to play against each week!

So I learned a very important lesson at his first game.. don't sit where I sat if you wan to take pictures!  Into the direct sun every time.. next week will be much better now that I realize this poor choice!

Cole is Caden's biggest fan.  He kept asking where he was on the field, it was a bit confusing because there are a couple other blond boys on his team.

The difference between Caden last year and Caden this year is Ginormous!  Last year Caden would be running around following whoever had the ball.  This year he actually gets the ball! It is amazing what a year does.

In action!



Kelly said...

Isn't it amazing how much more they understand the game at 5 years old?! It's so fun to watch!

Cole was so disappointed Caden wasn't on his team this year!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Caden is playing the right sport?
Looks like he should be on the basketball court as he towers over the other
kids. A goal the first game- good for him!