A year ago this past Saturday at 3:19 AM, just 3 hours and 19 minutes past her due date.. In 64 minutes from start to finish, Cora was born at a whopping 10lbs 10oz! She was born with dark brown hair, Wow! we thought! she'll have dark hair and dark eyes like her Daddy...
Nuh uh... her dark hair slowly fell out to be replaced with the blond fuzz she still dawns today! with blue eyes like her oldest brother.
Today Cora is a vibrant little girl who knows what she wants. She is strong as an ox and is already showing her brothers who is boss! She is happy 99% of the time, and the only time she is unhappy is if she isn't getting what she wants (total faker, those tears clear up instantly once she has her way) or is hurt.. it has been like this since birth I swear! easiest baby ever.. or at least of the three.
Cora is teetering on walking! She is very mobile holding onto just one finger, but can only get about 5 steps in before falling on her own.. once she slows down and stops diving head first into the action she'll be running around with the rest of them! Other than crawling she does
scootch around while kneeling on one knee.. it's "half-walking" I guess! a very unique way of travel!
Cora is a FANTASTIC eater! She will eat whatever you put in front of her, and often out eats the boys put together... until I should say her birthday.. a switch has clicked and suddenly she has been casually dropping most of her food off of her tray and turning her head to food offers.. what happened? This happened with Cole.. I am hoping it doesn't happen with her! What is it with their 365
th day and food?!
Cora is a great sleeper at night... napping however is not her strong suit.. two 45 minute naps if you are lucky, but she is a bundle of energy and apparently is getting what she needs at night because there is no stopping her during the day and it doesn't seem to affect her mood thankfully!
Cora loves all the boys toys, rolling anything with wheels.. but in the past month she has developed a love for dolls too! She gives them hugs.. the best part about Cora hugs whether for people or her dolls is that she pats your back while doing it.. its the cutest, be sure to ask her for a hug the next time you see her!
We still haven't heard any words aside from Ma-ma (still not completely convinced it is me) and Ba.. some times
Da although she does have a "
s'at" for what we think is "what's that?" and it usually occurs when pointing.. so I guess that is her first word/phrase? we'll keep listening! She does a lot of motor noises which is funny.
So here is a
slide show of her first year in pictures... I have torn my hair out for the past two nights putting it together, having to start over 3 times, and almost throwing the computer out the window.. I hope you enjoy! It's about 12 minutes.. I tried narrowing it down to a post with just 12 pictures, one for each month.. but that just wasn't going to happen!