Thursday, January 7, 2010

Game Day

Did you ever play this game when you were a kid? Bed Bugs! My Mom saved all my games from when I was young, and its really came in handy... she's brought over all the age appropriate ones for Caden, so we brought this one out for a try. The kids LOVED it! I must admit I also had quite the chuckle! The bugs bouncing around and flying out of the bed on occasion! Quite funny, although the motor that creates the vibrating is quite loud so in order to talk to each other we would have to turn it off - talk - then turn it back on again!

This past Sunday was game day.. we played games ALL day long, and yes you will notice that Cole is wearing his PJs.. I will also tell you that he wore them for 2 days straight.. with clean socks and undies underneath though I will add! the boy loves his pajamas what can I say? he'd wear them every day if he could... wouldn't we all?

Caden's 1st game of Monopoly.. Monopoly Jr, but still just as long! We ended up finishing before anyone went bankrupt, much like real Monopoly.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I loved Bed Bugs when I was a kid!! Such a fun game. :)