Saturday, October 3, 2009

7 Month Kid Comparison!

Before Cora is 8 months old I thought I'd better get this out!

This past week Cora popped her 3rd tooth! I know I already said she got her 3rd tooth awhile back.. but it was a false alarm (a.k.a. Rob "found" it hehe). Looks like she'll be popping #4 tomorrow! You can see it white under the gums. Today she had a milestone! She sat up from lying down!! This girl is trucking through life in fast forward! or at least it seems.. granted life is busy these days so time passes lickity split without hardly blinking an eye.. it's kind of sad! Our last baby isn't going to be a baby much longer :(
Anyway... I think she is a great mix between the two boys!

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