Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wii Be Playin'

Occasionally when Caden has been good he is allowed to play a couple of games on the Wii. Usually he chooses to do a couple of Mario Kart races, but last night he wanted to play "The Monkey Game" (Monkey Ball Banana Blitz) which is a collection of about 50 different short games like darts, bowling, sailing, etc. Last night Caden had fun playing boxing... we found it so comical we had to video him.. and of course share it! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I guess I'll have to practice my bob and weave before Christmas, huh?

He is too funny!

Kelly said...

Now I know to buy boxing gloves for Cole for Christmas! Just kidding! : )

Anonymous said...

OMG too cute! I love the head shake along with the arms!

Anonymous said...

CADEN IS AWESOME! I want him to box Uncle Ben at Thanksgiving!