Thursday, June 3, 2010

Family Bike Ride

Last Saturday we ventured on our first family bike ride!  Last year Cora was too young to ride in the trailer or the bike seat.  But first the boys model their sunglasses.  Cora has a pair too, but for some reason she won't wear them, I figured for sure she would because she is all about accessories!  My favorite color is orange and therefore Caden understands that orange is AWESOME!  so his sunglasses are way cool!

And now on to the adventure.  Rob pulled Cole in the stroller.  Cora did end up joining them for the last quarter mile after our snack break.  All in all we went about 4 1/2 miles, that's pretty good seeing as Caden was riding his bike.  Oh and when I say bike ride.. it is a relative term.  Caden rode his bike, Rob and I coasted most of the way since our one pedal equaled about 50 of Caden's.

Our cool dude Cole with is sunglasses on the top of his head and taking a swig from the water bottle.

Cora and Me... hmmm.. running starts tomorrow as I notice the nice pudge hanging over my shorts!

My man Caden ready to ride!

Snack break!  We've only been about 2 1/4 miles into the trail, this is the only bench we've encountered and it is practically at the entrance (also our exit).  Perhaps some day when we have some extra cash we'll donate another bench!  But by that time hopefully the trail will have been extended up through Londonderry.  That is the master plan.. but much like us they are waiting for funding!  but I can't wait! 

For real tomorrow I'll be taking the kids to the Derry portion of the trail which doesn't attach with pavement to the Windham stretch yet. I'll run with the trailer while Caden rides his bike.  No excuses!  The running routine starts tomorrow!  Summer hours first day off... thumbs up.  Rail trails rock!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I REALLY want to get a bike rack for my car so we can do this kind of stuff!! It looks like so much fun!! Love the first pic of cool-kid Caden. :)