Cole is three! and he isn't as malnourished as we thought! Apparently Dora pasta (Dora shaped spaghetti-O's), yogurt, bread, fruit, peanut butter crackers and milk which are keeping him just above the 50th percentile for weight which the pediatrician says is perfect for his height.. which is around the 85th percentile. He is slightly taller than Caden was at this age, and about 2 1/2 pounds lighter. The doctor also noted that Cole is a bit pigeon toed, and it came to no surprise when he said that because of this he would be a good athlete. Cole is as strong as an ox, determined and has more energy than we know what to do with! The doctor also mentioned that the way his knee is connected to his shin (pointing out rather than straight down), he has a good chance of blowing out his right ACL by the time he is 20... wonderful! But he has a lot of growing to do so I don't think we'll worry about that just yet.
It is hard to believe we were worried at times when Cole didn't/wouldn't talk, just caveman grunts, since now he's a little chatterbox. My favorites are when he says 'actually' and 'also' which are a regular part of his daily vocabulary.
Interestingly the day Cole turned 3 he somehow decided he didn't need naps, even though he asks for one as usual once he gets upstairs he is restless and ends up coming downstairs immediately or shortly after. The thing Cole doesn't know is that he DOES still need those naps! He is Mr. Cranky pants without them. I'm hoping it is just a phase, hopefully we'll get those naps back soon!
When not incredibly frustrating, it is often comical in the way Cole is so easily distracted. On the way to the bathroom 10 feet away he could stop more than 3 times to look at various toys, etc. totally forgetting he needs to go to the bathroom. But to tear him away from whatever he IS focused on is practically worth your life!
While incredibly energetic and often very fresh! Cole is also super lovable and cuddly. He gives great hugs and gets very upset if you leave the house without giving him a hug and a kiss.
Cole is a great sleeper, like I said before often asking to take a nap, sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night or early morning and wants to sleep with us. I secretly enjoy it because Caden would never get in bed with us, and still won't. So once you get past the half hour of Cole moving his feet non-stop, once he finally falls asleep he is quite enjoyable to sleep next to!
Cole is a thumb sucker still... we're working on that.
Cole has taken an interest in learning finally and he picks up on things quickly once he starts, I think because he has Caden to teach him things. He really loves counting right now, he counts everything. Tonight at iParty we had to stop so he could count candles.
Cole loves soccer, and he doesn't have sneakers.. no way! He has 'soccer shoes'.. I think because we bought them the night before his soccer lessons started this past winter.
Cole's favorite color is green.
He loves his brother and his sister, even though he has a funny way of showing it... By bonking heads with them, hitting them and pushing them down.
Cole makes Rob and I laugh constantly even when he is being bad! He loves to egg on Caden.. and the other day he wiped a booger on his leg in the car. While extremely gross, Rob and I laughed for quite awhile on that one.. secretly of course.
He is a monkey! and can scale anything.
We love our little Cole-bear even in the 'terrible-threes' he's going though!
I love my little Godson and miss him so much! I couldn't send proper greeting since I was in Moldova (I know, what an excuse!) We are planning on belated birthday celebration in August though, so watch out Super-Cole!
Hugs to all (especially the birthday boy)
First of all- awesome blog update! How did you change the title font like that?! I love it! And how did you get the blog expanded out like that too? I've been trying to figure that out!
I love how you are chronicling all of these details about the kids when they turn a certain age. I am going to have to start doing that to look back at!
You may see the terrible threes but we don't see that often at all! :) Cole is so sweet and I just love how he and Charlotte are playing together more often.
We love you Cole!
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