Mama and Cora play (and take pictures)! While the boys had swim lessons Cora and I stayed home... normally we go and watch too, and chase Cora and think of ways to keep her from trying to get into the pool (apparently she liked swimming lessons last session A LOT!). But she hadn't been feeling well during the day so we kept her home rather than risk a puke session on the pool deck! But first she had a snack of an apple slice which you can see in the above picture with her cheek stretched out like a chipmunk with a fall feast.
We went to the store...
... and we played with a bucket filled with milk jug caps from the jugs that held the pool cover down.
.. and then we rode bikes, actually first we rode the scooter but I wasn't able to get a picture of that activity. This bike was first Caden's when he was small. He never got the hang of sitting with your feet on the pegs so we could push him. Cole got it but he wouldn't keep the wheel straight so you either spent your time pushing him in circles, or constantly adjusting the direction of the bike. Cora on the other hand just sits up proud as a peacock handlebars straight while we push her around for pretty much ever!
Hi Mom!
Shhh.. don't tell Cole we borrowed his helmet, we couldn't find Cora's... apparently it was in the house.
.. and when she was tired of riding she pushed the bike. This way...
... and that way
... until she couldn't push any more.
Then she pulled it!...
... and pulled it.
and then got distracted by a jogger.
By that time the boys came home, and the Sevins came out to play... hooray! and the trike was abandoned until Cole and Charlotte realized how fun it was to push each other around.