Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shark Attack!

Since we got rid of the papasan (child death trap) chair from the boys room, it opened up space to set up the shark tent! The kids are in love with it! Unfortunately Caden was not a good listener today (on three different occasions) so I took it down until he can behave again. Hopefully it won't be too long!

Caden holds Cora, while Cole pouts in the back of the tent because he wanted to hold her!

Cole has his turn... hmm she doesn't look as happy!! When Cole decided he had had enough he basically just decided to get up and leave Cora to her own defenses! Luckily I was right there to save her before he rolled her onto the ground!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Fighting over who will hold Cora?! Now that is just adorable! I'm sure they will always be there to protect and love her. She is a lucky girl!