Friday, January 20, 2012

Swish Swish... Ski!

Cole is taking ski lessons with a group from preschool again this year!  It is a surprisingly small group this year, but Cole is loving it still.

First day of lessons, up the magic carpet.

.. and down the hill, it seems as though he forgot a bunch that he learned last year.. but it had been a whole year!

Then I recognized the instructor from last year... the one who spent more than half the lesson with the kids walking around the mountain withOUT skis.. really?  ski lessons without skis?  I held my tongue with hopes that he had good reason for no skis and that the next week would with skis on.

Before ending the lesson, they got to put one ski on at least.

Cole was happy either way so at least he enjoyed it even if it was frustrating to watch from the sidelines.

Day two of lessons after a week off due to a snow day, isn't it funny that ski lessons get cancelled when it snows out?!  But not for rain!  Yay he came from halfway up the hill and had his skis on!  Bonus :)

This trip down he made improvements.. he remembered hands on his knees.

Oh boy!  Up to the top  he goes!  Prior to this the instructor was pulling him off halfway up.

Another interesting teaching tool.. the long pole which he skied down the hill with the kids on...

The other boy is a bit more skilled than Cole so he was allowed to ski freely down to the bottom, so really Cole was getting private lessons for most of the hour.

And he is free of the pole!

At the end of the lesson the instructor guides them with the pole over to the parent area for pick-up.  I am still a bit opposed to this instructor.. he is enabling Cole with the pole, instead of teaching him how to walk with skis he pulls him with the pole or pushes him from behind.  Instead of teaching him the correct way to control himself skiing he is slowing him down with this pole. 

What I need is a free weekend to take Cole to the slopes myself!  Or at least in the backyard to walk around like ducks!  Step 1 has been accomplished with snow finally on the ground, now just to get a few hours free when it is not single digits outside like last weekend!  Brrr!

Caden is also doing ski lessons through the elementary school ski club!  how cool is that?!  Unfortunately by the time I get there it is pitch black out.. hopefully by the end of the session it will be lighter out later.. or I can leave work earlier to get there in the light!  either one is fine by me!


Kelly said...

Cole looks like he is really enjoying himself! I need to get out there with Cole and Charlotte. No lessons this year but we'll try it out any way!

Muffiemom said...

Even though Cole hasn't really learned much yet it looks like is learing to snowplow and having fun.
Hopefully things will change in the
next few lessons. If you can get out with him maybe he tell the instructor he wants to "ski"