Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Party Kind of Weekend

This past weekend we travelled all over New England for birthday parties!  Saturday the boys and I went to Rhode Island for Maya's roller skating party!  Cora stayed home with Dad.. because well, let's be honest a one year old on skates would not have been pretty.. in fact a three year old was not pretty!

We saw A LOT of this....

... and this!

But after a bit Caden got the hang of it.. he said it is harder than ice skating, I'm not sure if I'd agree!  And Cole was able to stand while holding onto something other than me!

After two laps around the roller rink the boys were done.. thankfully that took us up to pizza and cake time, followed by some arcade games so they didn't have to put the skates back on.

And here is the birthday girl herself!  6 years old?!  My how time flies... but it is nice because this helps me prepare for Caden turning 6 in a few months.

There was a wizard show!  They dressed Maya up like Harry Potter... with blue frosting tinted teeth!

The kids are paired nicely in age.. Cora will be on her own.. but she'll keep up with them all no doubt!

The next day we travelled to the North Shore for the kids cousin's birthday party!  They all just loved spending time with their cousins.  Why is it I always get the silly faces!  The birthday girl included!

The kids were introduced to the game "Don't Break the Ice"  new favorite for all of them!

Patiently waiting for the birthday song to end!

Mmmm... frosting covered Kaleidoscope!  You don't get those everyday!

After the party we went to visit Babci!  The kids were looking forward to this as much as the party, which is very nice to see.  They all love this frog game where you have to flip the flies into the frogs mouth.

They all got in on the action!

So we spent a lot of time partying this weekend!  Happy Birthday to both!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I having blogger withdrawl so I eagerly am looking at all of the blogs today. :)

Rollerskating is so much fun! I agree with you- I think ice skating is hard but I guess it is easier to just stand there on ice skates rather than roller skates. Maybe? Either way it is a heck of lot harder than walking! haha!