Cora is 7 months old! Well... 7 months and 1 week to be exact, I'm a little behind we had a busy week last week prepping for the apple picking party (pictures to come!). Back to Cora! Still our little ray of sunshine! As happy as can be just about all of the time! She is starting to become mobile! No crawling, but she is a whiz at going from sitting to her belly to get something out of reach! And she can spin like a top on that belly of hers! Sometimes we think she's going to take off like a helicopter! She is bound and determined and doesn't give up! She is much like an inch worm right now lifting her butt up and scootching forward! She's a great eater and doesn't turn her nose to anything which makes dinner time very easy. She eats puffs and can pick them up but hasn't quite figured out that she is supposed to put them in her mouth! She just drops them off the side of her tray. So for now we pop them in there for her. Her favorite food right now is yogurt.. of course! What kids isn't?! And Stonyfield has these great new yogurts that are 3-in-1 meals.. yogurt with a fruit and a vegetable mixed in! We are actually contemplating getting them for Cole.
As far as playing, she'll play by herself for hours! She loves taking things out of bucket type containers and then putting them in. She also LOVES peek-a-boo! She holds anything she can find over her face.. bib, random kid shirt on floor, etc. and then puts it down all the while with a giant smile on her face! I really do need to video it!
Cora still sleeps well and will sleep through the night a few times a week still, when she does wake up its around 4 AM, and once she eats she'll go back to bed easily. Sometimes she wakes up only because she's wedged herself in corner and can't get out, or if she's rolled on her back but is too close the edge on her left side (she only rolls to her belly in the left direction!) and she can't get back to her belly, which is her normal sleeping position. And she naps great.. once you see her rubbing her eyes you bring her to her crib and not a peep out of her! She rolls over and takes a nap.
So here she is!! 7 months old!
Where did the time go? She looks so proud of herself at the music table! The dimple is getting more prominent as she gets older! Think she will be a terror once she's mobile? Cute overalls and how appropriate for your party! Great neighbors you have!!!
You were really blessed with the easiest baby on the planet. I mean, c'mon now! : ) And one of the cutest....
It's been so wonderful to watch her grow and I can't wait until she and Charlotte start to play together!
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