Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Old Home Days 2009

I read, apparently, that Londonderry is one of the few New Hampshire towns that still celebrates Old Home Days.. so that makes me proud to live in Londonderry! Friday night we went to the fireworks display with the Sevin's, the kids had great fun with their glow hats.. of course I forgot the camera, so you'll just have to envision it!

This year Rob and I took part in our first Old Home Days 5K. You may remember I mentioned awhile ago that we registered early to force ourselves to train! Rob was a good sport and stuck with me for the first 2 miles or so.. until the last mile of rolling up hills I told him to go on ahead! It was a good time! We'll definitely be taking part again... well assuming Grammy wants to help us out with the kids that is!!

The reason I am so blurry is obviously because I was running so fast!! Not due to the photographer.. no way!

Cora took part in the baby contest.. which is clearly rigged.. I mean really now!! 3 kids, 3 baby contests, no prizes... look at our kids!! They should be paying us to compete! hehe! She's still #1 in our books! And almost immediately after it was our turn to go up in front of the judges she fell fast asleep. It's hard work being cute!
After the baby contest we had some time to kill so the kids went to the swings.. but instead of wood chips there was sand under the swings, so Caden being the picky little youngster he is did not want to swing, however Cole tried every swing out, sitting, flying on his belly, standing.. okay well maybe not standing, but if he thought of it I'm sure he would have insisted!

Parade time!!! They put on quite the parade I must say! The downside is they have colonial re-enactments which include gunshots and cannons, which are not so kind on ones ears.. they left mine ringing, so I can't imagine the kids. When the fire engine's went by with their sirens and horns Grammy took the kids to the play ground since Caden is NOT a fan of loud noises. I even took a stroll with Cora so as not to deafen her at her ripe age of 6 months (tomorrow!!) The last truck of the parade was interesting... an old fire truck that had a sprayer on the front and sprayed everyone! It was hot, but I'm not sure everyone appreciated having to make a mad dash or get their stuff wet... they sure know how to clear a crowd!

When Cora was born her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck two times!! The midwife told us she'd have a love for necklaces.. I guess she was right! She was salivating over Grammy's!

Mr. America... the kids LOVED all the treats and candy that got passed out. I think Cole had like 4 lollipops in the span of a half hour!


kiwigogo said...

Interesting - I, too, had the cord wrapped around my neck twice. And I do like necklaces more than earrings... hmmm. I thought Cora was a kindred spirit...

Kelly said...

So bummed we missed the parade this year! Oh well- there's always next year! Good idea with the chairs..