Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cole's 15 Month Photo Shoot

On Saturday Cole and I went to get his 15 month pictures taken. We decided to go to JC Penny instead of Kiddie Kandids since it would be MUCH cheaper, especially since we'd be taking his pictures in another 3 months anyway, and since it would be holiday season we'd throw Caden in the pictures too and spend the money then.

We had gone to JC Penny a lot with Caden when he was little because there was no Kiddie Kandids around and we had had some bad experiences with Picture People, the pictures had always turned out great... So obviously we had a bad experience! Sorry, let me change that to a "learning experience" since we were able to find a couple of good shots!

What I learned was, that much like Caden, Cole prefers female photographers. Cole usually could care less who is nearby, but he did not like this young man! So lesson #1 ask for a female photographer when making the appointment! Next one of the first statements the photographer said to me was, I don't get in here much and I'm really uncomfortable being left alone in here to do this myself. So lesson #2 head for the door, do not pass Go do not collect $200!! or at least wait for the more experienced photographer! He was not even remotely good with kids, and only had one lame move to get Cole to smile... and it made him cry. That left me to get Cole to smile. I think I did a pretty good job, but he missed every one because he was too busy looking at the previous picture on the screen on the back of his camera. Ugh!!

Next he insisted the Cole would be more comfortable with me in the picture! WHAT! I was not prepared to be in a picture, nor did I want to buy any pictures with him and I in it! No one wants my picture in their wallet or on their mantle! Anyway I consided.. one came out okay, but I still didn't buy it because I am the only one who might want it.. and even then Caden wasn't in it!

So then our session is over. We go into the lobby where the other woman photographer is, and meanwhile the other one has come back from her lunch break, and what does Cole do? Mosies over to the ladies and starts smiling away, dancing for them, jumping for them, playing hide and seek with them.. you name it Mr. Happy Cole had arrived, just in time to reinforce lesson #1!!

So here is a sampling of the better shots he got.. I won't bother embarrassing the guy with the bad ones.. well maybe a few!

Mr. Grumpy-pants

Could have been cute.. but my beautiful hand is in it!

If you look REAL close there are bubbles in the picture, that was one of his attempts to get Cole to smile.

All wrong!


Kelly said...

You know- those make better stories than the perfect pictures! : ) Cole is adorable no matter what.

kiwigogo said...

Love it! And some of us wouldn't mind having you (& baby Caligula) on our mantles... Actually, we don't have a fireplace, and Sarah destroys everything that is placed under 35 inches, so you'd be on a top shelf, but we'd still like to look at the picture!
And I think Captain Grumpy Pants has some serious character!