A little late, but I had put most of these on Facebook already so that is my excuse :)
Back in May Cole graduated from Preschool!! But first the kids put on a play for us.. Tarzan! The kids work very hard on their play for months prior to the big day, and they are so proud of their performance.
Cole as Tarzan!
He got the Elephant hair!!
Here is Cole getting a bit of help with his lines :)
Two Hands...
Two Hearts...
But we could not get him to understand how the Tarzan yell actually went.. instead he just yelled Ahhhhhhh!
Graduation time! Looking dapper in his cap and gown!
Cole's class
Tossing the caps....
All the parents got to come up for a Participation Award... or what I'd like to think of as "Awesome Parents Award" haha!
Cole gets his diploma!
Family photo time!
And of course a photo with Grammy!
Cole and his buddy!
What a great day! We are so proud of Cole! He has learned so much these past two years.. he started as a little boy who could care less about learning and graduated as a young man eager to learn and he made lots of friends along the way!
Happy Graduation Cole! It is so hard to believe that you are going to Kindergarten in the fall!